Progress of Design in Perpetual Beta

I have been tinkering with the design here.
The current blog design is one I created to be light, clean and very readable. It was not originally designed to scale down for mobile or small screens.
Yesterday, I spent a little time making adjustments to allow it to respond based on device screen size. This required some layout changes at smaller sizes as well as ensuring that on large screens things don't get haywire.
The next experimentation will clean up the typography further and potentially make this design available to be distributed in some form.
I am hardly a designer—more a student of design. I appreciate design that delivers on a functional and aesthetic level simultaneously. It's what I am aiming for and this offers me a little creative outlet beyond writing and my other work.
Why am I sharing this? First, it is to offer a little insight into the design process and all that entails and second, to force myself to write and share on a consistent basis.
What creative experiments might you consider sharing?
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